Tuesday, May 24, 2011

THANK you............

It's about freaking time, people.
I know I'm usually funny, but it's time for a somber heart to heart. Have I not been talking about this for years? Have I not attempted to formulate a plan in the event of this very thing? Well if you value your safety and the safety of your family, you need to read this and consider making your own emergency plan, ok? Just promise me you'll think about it. I think about it at least once a day, which cannot possibly be a waste of brain power


Monday, May 9, 2011

Crap We've Been Doing Instead of Blogging

So, I've gotten a few complaints that I haven't posted enough lately.  I haven't felt particularly bloggy lately, plus my mom was in the hospital, my sister's wedding rapidly approaches, and there have been a ton of things going on.  In order to catch all of you up and also to satiate your lust for my splendidly written word, I present to you......

Crap I've Been Doing Instead of Blogging

I extended my stay in Idaho Falls by an extra week.  Our Easter trip to the family ranch ended most abruptly with a two hour, middle-of-the-night, gut wrenching drive all the way back to Idaho Falls to take my mom to the emergency room.  Easter was mostly ruined, which made us all sad pandas, especially my mom.  She was there for a week with a raging infection.  I'd give more details, but it's all a blur of sleepless nights and not eating much and doctors and crying and fevers.   Mom is currently stable, but not great.  We appreciate all the well-wishers and casserole-makers and errand-runners who have helped our family over the past few weeks!  Since mom finally got to go home, my sister and I got to come home, too.

I did not return home empty handed, though.  As you can see, our flock has grown by 50%.

In case you question my calculations, I will demonstrate them here:

This should clear up any confusion.  

Our new recruit has only two speeds: On and Off.  She loves to play with the camera, so I had some difficulty getting a photograph of her.  She's a bit of a wild child. 

And finally, success.  Ladies and Gentlemen, meet.......


 I'll pause for a moment while you recover from cyootness overdose...............Done?  Me either.  I'm OD'ing on adorable.  Tonks enjoys naps in the sun, fish-shaped pounce treats, sleeping underneath the covers, people food, and sneak attacks.  She also likes to play the "scary eyes" game and the "something under the blankets" game and napping on your chest and giving kisses.  Not unlike Argyle the lamb, but in a much more convenient size and with twice the level of cyoot*.

*See how I use "cyoot" instead of "cute"?  That's because ordinary "cute" doesn't cut the mustard on this.

In addition to playing with Tonks, Cody and I have been brewing a summer beer, which will be ready for consumption in a few weeks. It is currently in the fermentation stage.

Also, I noticed that the brewing process left us with a few pounds of spent grains, which I felt should not be simply thrown out.  Waste not, want not.......So I made spent grain bread.

In preparation for the wedding, I have been manufacturing hair pieces for the bride and her attendants to wear.  This was a total crap-shoot, as I didn't have a clue what I was doing.  Luckily, I underestimated my own level of radness.

I did manage to sneak in a trip to the Bruneau Sand Dunes as well.  Cody and I went with his parents to camp there for the weekend so we could bass fish.  Did someone say FUN TIMES?  It was me.  The fishing wasn't stellar- we only caught a couple and it was a little chilly, but it was the most fun I have ever had in rubber pants.  We also did some hiking to the top of the largest single structure sand dune in North America.  

As you can see, I've had my hands full.  I have a cartoon-heavy blog coming, I promise.  But I don't know when I'll get around to finishing it, as my maid of honor duties are becoming increasingly critical.  I've got four weeks to help the bride with last minute arrangements, daily workouts, practice makeup and hair, wardrobe and accessories, and a four tiered cake, which I have (hopelessly not foolishly) agreed to make and decorate.  So hang onto your panties if I don't blog much. 

Thanks for reading!
P.S.  More followers, please.  Tell your grandmas and postmen and third cousins and friends who might be looking to hire a blog writer or cake maker.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Argyle the Lamb

Meet Argyle.

Argyle's real name is actually Scott, but that's a silly name for a lamb, so I'm calling him Argyle.  I am in love with Argyle.

He is sweet and soft and he lets me kiss his nose and his lanolin makes my hands silky smooth.  If Cody loved ME as much as I love ARGYLE, he would let me bring him home to live in our backyard.