About Us
We're just your average couple in Boise, ID. Only really rad. We started this blog after intense peer pressure to "socially network electronically". Despite a chronic loathing of technology, we decided we couldn't totally avoid all technological progress (the ultimate oxymoron). However, blogging sounded preferable to Facebook. Facebook = doody. So don't ask us to get Facebook. Instead, just read this blog and be happy about it.
We also wanted to chronicle our excellent seafood-eating, bowl-gaming, fish-catching adventures. We both work, which we've discovered really gets in the way of our fun. As a result, we've become weekend warriors. But not just your average weekend warriors. Awesome swashbuckling pirate weekend warriors. With giant swords. That's us- we barrel into the weekend, swords blazing. (Do swords blaze? They do now.....) We will totally PWN the weekend.
Anyways, we're pretty much having a party all the time. A perpetual party of two. Also, we have a pet werewolf. Okay, we really don't. But that would be freaky.