Monday, January 10, 2011


People, people, people.......
You're doing this whole blog thing wrong.  Here's how it works:
I write a snot-shootingly funny blog postYou reward me with comments about how funny I am.  This gives me the reinforcement I need to continue writing hilarious posts.

Sometimes I feel I cannot go on with writing posts because I don't think anyone reads my blog.  After all, how would I KNOW if anyone reads it?  Most of my posts have nary a comment on them. If I have no one reading the posts, well it doesn't give me much of an incentive to write any, now, does it?  I'd like to hope that you're all looking forward to another blog post from good old "Party of Two".  I know that when I read my favorite blogs, every new post is like a little life-boat, floating in to save me from the drudgery of the work week.  I had such high hopes that perhaps one day, my blog could be your little life boat.  Maybe even, perchance, a PARTY boat.  Like a little cruise ship where all the drinks are free.
I guess what I'm saying is that whenever I check my blog and someone has left a comment, it makes me feel like shiny little fairies are sprinkling me with thousand dollar bills. 

Think about it..........


  1. I like your posts Rae! They always brighten my day with belly bouncing laugher! Drew

  2. Hehe I'm posting you a comment to keep the funnies coming, cuz your posts crack me up! Love your sense of humor! :)

  3. I wouldn't make it through my oh so dreary life without your blog. It is the ONLY time I EVER laugh, so please keep writing and providing me with the only light in my life. Many thanks, MOM

  4. OK, OK, you got me... I always read your blog but I never leave a comment. I'll try to do better, because I really enjoy them! I had no idea you were such a fun writer. Good work!

  5. Kenna's funny ha..ha. Brittney, I risk being caught with my cell at work for your blog cuz party of two is not on a company friendly site. But I'm not the kind of person who enjoys placating others... so just write the damn blog okay?! My sanity depends on it. True story.

  6. I always read your blog too Rae! I just never want to comment because you are so witty I just feel silly trying to come up with a response! I will do my best to comment, but expect them to be very lame and not funny.
