Cody: Babe, what is this stringy green stuff in the pickles?
Rae: Stringy green stuff?
Cody: Yeah. In the pickles. It's stringy and green.
Rae: It's stringy?
Cody: Yeah. Stringy and green. What is it?
Rae: It's IN the pickles?
Cody: Yes. IN the pickles. It's stringy and green and its IN the pickles.
Rae: I didn't put anything stringy and green in the pickles.
Cody: Well, there is something stringy and green in the pickles.
Rae: It's STRINGY?
Cody: Yes. And green.
Cody: Stringy and green.
Rae: What is it?
Cody: I don't know. That's why I asked you.
Rae: I don't know what it is. Did the skins come off the cucumbers?
Cody: I don't think so.....
At this point I get up and go to the kitchen to see what the fuck is in my pickles.
Rae: That's dill, you dill-hole.
Cody: It's DILL?
Rae: Yes. It's fresh dill, you dill-hole. Actually, it's pickled fresh dill. It used to be fresh. Now its pickled. That's why they're DILL pickles.
Cody: Oh.
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