Saturday, October 22, 2011

Actual Conversations Regarding Pickles

So, Heather, AKA Richard, is over and we're watching some football and Cody decides to get everyone some homemade refrigerator pickles that I made.  We had just been talking about my favorite blogger, Jenny Lawson, and how she is gloriously nuts and how she has a husband who manages to put up with her glorious nuttiness and how that sounds like me and Cody and how Cody puts up with my not-so-glorious nuttiness.  Then, the following conversation happens:

Cody:  Babe, what is this stringy green stuff in the pickles?

Rae:  Stringy green stuff?

Cody:  Yeah.  In the pickles.  It's stringy and green.

Rae:  It's stringy?

Cody:  Yeah.  Stringy and green.  What is it?

Rae:  It's IN the pickles?

Cody:  Yes.  IN the pickles.  It's stringy and green and its IN the pickles.

Rae:  I didn't put anything stringy and green in the pickles.

Cody:  Well, there is something stringy and green in the pickles.

Rae:  It's STRINGY?

Cody:  Yes. And green.

Rae:  GREEN?

Cody:  Stringy and green.

Rae:  What is it?

Cody:  I don't know.  That's why I asked you.

Rae:  I don't know what it is.  Did the skins come off the cucumbers?

Cody:  I don't think so.....

At this point I get up and go to the kitchen to see what the fuck is in my pickles.

Rae:  That's dill, you dill-hole.

Cody:  It's DILL?

Rae:  Yes.  It's fresh dill, you dill-holeActually, it's pickled fresh dill.  It used to be fresh.  Now its pickled. That's why they're DILL pickles.

Cody:  Oh.

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