Monday, March 28, 2011

Actual Conversations: Space Invaders Edition **LINK FIXED!**

Ever the sci-fi nerd, Cody sent me a link to an article from NBC News about how we are most definitely not alone in the universe.  Ever the horror nerd, I turned it into being about zombies. You should read it first (or at least skim it) so that the following instant message conversation makes more sense.....

Cody says:
Babe!  Check out this article!!

Rae says:
I'm seeing some rad sci-fi movies coming our way after this discovery

Cody says:
Yeah... hopefully not more cowboys and aliens though.  LOL.

Rae says:
Like, how about a movie that takes place in the future where we find another planet with humans on it, only some crucial, yet unnoticeable things are different so we become mutated or get in a war or need to escape but the ship breaks down and the "other" humans start to eat us......

Cody says:
That would be rad
Or like, another planet with bizzaro versions of our selves
Like the Futurama episode with the universe boxes

Rae says:
OR like, we have to evacuate earth because a life-ending meteor is coming, so we find an earth-like planet and settle in and build a civilization. Then things start to go south because the oxygen is different or the plants are poisonous or zombies come up out of the ground and eat us
Cody says:
Yeah.... that sounds pretty cool

Rae says:
OR like, we make friends with the other "humans" on the other planets, but then one of our people breeds with one of their "people" and they give birth to a demon zombie "person" and it eats us.

Cody says:
Yeah... that would be cooh
You're all about the things that eat us.

Rae says:
I'm pretty sure we're gonna get eaten before this is over
Just saying
What would you do if there WAS a bizzaro earth 
And you went there and ran into bizzaro Rae 
Only she was ten times hotter than me?

Cody says:

Rae says:
And then you had to choose between us?

Cody says:
Can't exist, since you are the pinnacle of hotness

Rae says:
PFFFTTT.......well thanks babe!
But seriously, answer the question.

Cody says:
But if it were even possible, she'd probably have to be our girlfriend. Heh.

Rae says:
But what if Rae + Bizzaro Rae = Zombie Death Rae and we both eat you?
HA!  Get it?  "Death Rae"? 

Cody says:

Rae says:
Maybe we would morph into one mega being that would rule both Earth AND Bizzaro Earth....
With lasers from our eyes
And mind control.
And wily powers of persuasion.....

Cody says:
I want beer and wine
That's what I want

Rae says:
So you DONT want a sexy Bizzaro Rae scenario, you just want a beer?  
.....You're boring.......

Cody says:
 I want to find a bizzaro earth, where the beer flows like wine, and the alcohol is super special cuz it doesn't give you hangovers or kill brain cells

Rae says:
But it still makes you drunk, right?

Cody says:
 Of COURSE!  Otherwise, what would be the point?

Rae says:
But what if you drank the hangover free beer and then it turned you into a zombie with a thirst, not for more beer, but for eating people?

Cody says:
Then I guess I'd eat people

Rae says:
I wonder if we taste like chicken.....?
Cody says:
As for me, I'll have salad
With chicken

Rae says:
If you could taste a human, free of consequences, would you?
Like, say an old guy volunteers to be slain and cooked.  For science.  Would you eat him?

Cody says:
I would try it.  It's only meat.

Rae says:
That's icky
What if it's like baby lamb vs old mutton
The old sheep are all gamey and sinewy. 
 Maybe the old man would be all tough like an old sheep.

Cody says:
And gross......

Rae says:
Would you eat a baby?  
That would be like eating veal, kind of......
Like, if it died very unfortunately of natural causes and was prepared right afterward so it was still fresh?

Cody says:
Would take major seasoning and marinade
Would you?

Rae says:
Uh, no........that's sick.  You're sick.
The taste would be terrible.
I wouldn't eat people EVER.  That would wreck you for life
I mean, there's a reason cannibalism is frowned upon in most societies.... 

Cody says:
Yeah maybe

Rae says:
But I WOULD eat a zombie
If you eat a zombie, do you then possess its powers?
I think if you ate zombie, you'd get infected and BECOME a zombie.

Cody says: would.

Rae says:  
It might be fun to be a zombie.  

Cody says:
Your mind is so messed up.

Rae says:
This is SO going on the blog.....

[Cody has signed out of messenger]


  1. Yeah and maybe that world would have "silver bullets" just laying around for the women to use!

  2. Awesome. Two things: 1) the link to the article is broken; 2) since you're such technophobe, I've resorted to tweeting your new post URLs. My "following" list is lame, but it's bound to get the word out some.

  3. It's nice...I feel like I'm right there in your house actually listening to this conversation, whilst rolling my eyes, heh. Miss you guys!
