My favorite blog, The Bloggess, posted a blog recently about an awesome new super rad time-waster. Vanity Fair now provides us with the opportunity to compose our own spectacular Charlie Sheen-esque rant using STARK RAVING MAD LIBS!! Yay! Here's mine:
You can do your own mad lib by clicking this link. When you're done, you should post yours in the comments section so we can all laugh together. But not AT Charlie Sheen. WITH Charlie Sheen because otherwise he might shank us with a banana peel.
“I am on a drug. It’s called Theresa Miller. If you try it once, you will splode. Your foot will melt off, and your children will argue over your slammed body … I’m tired of pretending like I’m not darned—a total freaking model from Jupiter. I’ve got Aardvark blood, Zeus DNA! … They picked a fight with a Wherewolf. They’re trying to take all my books and leave me with no means to understand my family. It’s not microbiology! They owe me an apology while boinking my foot … I don’t think people are ready for the dog I’m delivering, and delivering with a sense of ugly love. I exposed people to magic! Here’s your pus test. Next one goes in your mouth!”
ReplyDelete“I am on a drug. It’s called Rebecca Summers. If you try it once, you will choke. Your xiphoid process will melt off, and your sisters will jump over your crunched body … I’m tired of pretending like I’m not super duper—a total freaking grave robber from Jupiter. I’ve got cheetah blood, Eros DNA! … They picked a fight with a unicorn. They’re trying to take all my sheep and leave me with no means to cram my family. It’s not Phenomenology! They owe me an apology while spooning my patella … I don’t think people are ready for the throne I’m delivering, and delivering with a sense of repulsive love. I exposed pickles to magic! Here’s your sputum test. Next one goes in your piehole!”