This is the conversation:
Cody says: Hey... I just called the ticket office
Rae says: Yes?
Cody says: The $18 tickets are for the endzones only
Rae says: Jes i know this.....
Cody says: The upper deck along the curve is $25.50
Rae says: Jes
Cody says: Kinda brutal... that's $51 for both of us...
Rae says: Yesterday on Groupon they were $9 and $12.50
Cody says: Is it worth $51?
Rae says: Up to you.
Cody says: I thought they were $18 everywhere
Not just the endzones
Rae says: Nope
Cody says: I would have done Groupon had I known
Rae says: Hmmm
Cody says: Bummer... $50 sounds pretty steep to me
Rae says: Hmmmm. that IS a bummer.
Cody says: I'll just go skiing and watch the game on TV
Rae says: Super. Sounds fun to me.
Cody says: It does?
Rae says:
J/k. it sounds ok.
Just not as fun as going to the game
But you're right- that's too expensive
Cody says: Well... I mean, we could split the cost...But I know you don't have any money
Rae says: Yeah i could get mine.
Cody says: Course you did just get a christmas bonus
And it wasn't an enrollment in a jelly of the
month club...
Rae says: I spent it on your christmas presents
Cody says: Heh.....
Rae says: I spent it on the Cody of the month club
Cody says: Well your call.
If we split the cost, I say we go
Rae says: [sigh] You are a pip
Cody says: Pip?
Rae says: British slang meaning piece of work
Or pain in the rump
Derived from the fact that they call fruit
seeds "pips"
And sometimes you can choke on a pip
Or have a hard time getting it out of the
I guess what I'm saying is, you're a fruit.
Cody says: Well, you're a jackwagon Rae says: Actually, I'm pretty sure I totally made that
pip thing up.
I meant to type PIB
As in Pain In the Butt
Cody says: Heh Rae says: But you totally believed me, you pip.
Yay, typos.
[Cody has signed out of messenger]
Don't be such a jackimo Cody!