Friday, December 17, 2010

Cody is a Pomegranate

To follow is another awesome instant message conversation taking place between Cody and I.  We had this conversation because we were planning to go to the Humanitarian Bowl, which is at Bronco Stadium on December 18.  Northern Illinois and Fresno are playing.  Yesterday's Groupon special was 50% off tickets to the Humanitarian bowl, so I wanted to buy them and save some cash; but he was adamant that we should NOT get them from Groupon because he hates technology and  if we bought them from Groupon, we would experience a techno-meltdown and end up with no tickets and he'd rather pay full price to just have the tickets in his hand on game day. [sigh]  Then he went into this whole thing about how he likes the 'I give you money and you give me my stuff' arrangement way better, so he'll just pay full price, thank you very much.  Then today he said that Humanitarian Bowl tickets are too expensive and he wishes we'd bought them off Groupon yesterday. [facepalm]

This is the conversation:

Cody says:     Hey... I just called the ticket office
 Rae says:     Yes?
Cody says:     The $18 tickets are for the endzones only
 Rae says:     Jes i know this.....
Cody says:     The upper deck along the curve is $25.50
 Rae says:     Jes
Cody says:     Kinda brutal... that's $51 for both of us...
 Rae says:     Yesterday on Groupon they were $9 and $12.50
Cody says:     Is it worth $51?
 Rae says:     Up to you.
Cody says:     I thought they were $18 everywhere
               Not just the endzones
 Rae says:     Nope
Cody says:     I would have done Groupon had I known
 Rae says:     Hmmm
Cody says:     Bummer...  $50 sounds pretty steep to me
 Rae says:     Hmmmm.  that IS a bummer.
Cody says:     I'll just go skiing and watch the game on TV
 Rae says:     Super.  Sounds fun to me.
Cody says:     It does?
 Rae says:
               J/k.  it sounds ok.
               Just not as fun as going to the game
               But you're right- that's too expensive
Cody says:     Well... I mean, we could split the cost...
               But I know you don't have any money
 Rae says:     Yeah i could get mine.
Cody says:     Course you did just get a christmas bonus
               And it wasn't an enrollment in a jelly of the
               month club...
 Rae says:     I spent it on your christmas presents
Cody says:     Heh.....
 Rae says:     I spent it on the Cody of the month club
Cody says:     Well your call.
               If we split the cost, I say we go
 Rae says:     [sigh] You are a pip
Cody says:     Pip?
 Rae says:     British slang meaning piece of work
               Or pain in the rump
               Derived from the fact that they call fruit
               seeds "pips"
               And sometimes you can choke on a pip
               Or have a hard time getting it out of the 
               I guess what I'm saying is, you're a fruit.
Cody says:     Well, you're a jackwagon
  Rae says:    Actually, I'm pretty sure I totally made that
               pip thing up.
               I meant to type PIB
               As in Pain In the Butt
Cody says:     Heh
 Rae says:     But you totally believed me, you pip.  
               Yay, typos.
[Cody has signed out of messenger]

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