A few weeks ago, we had a Summers family dinner party at Jeff and Julie's in Kuna. I debuted my culinary "Magnum Opus"- the greatest soup ever made. I wrote the recipe myself. I'm not going to tell you what was in it, except that it was chock full of seafood seafood seafood. Just know that each bite was a party in our mouths that only we were invited to. I hesitate to call it soup, really. Liquid happy mystical tastefulness is more like it. But that takes too long to say.
On a more somber note, my mom tried to drive to Boise for Thanksgiving and had a crash. Actually it was more like a roll. Several rolls, in fact. She, Angus, and Pluto (the dog) were all ok, but alas, the car was not. The car was dead. RIP car. We're all thankful that everyone survived. My mom came out of it looking like a Halloween horror movie costume, but there were no broken bones or head injuries. Just some blood loss. Angus said she looked like "Bloody Mary". I said she looked like she needed a bloody mary. Either that or she was drinking one just before she crashed. But she swears it was black ice and not a DUI.
-Eating More
Despite the crashing, the eating continued. And, more importantly, the PIE MAKING!! I made pies! I'm like Betty Crocker, only instead of a housewife, I'm an alcoholic. Okay, maybe not. But I did make these pies. Check them out. I had to make enough pies for all 12 of the family members eating with us.

I actually took more pictures of pies than people. Come to think of it, I don't think I took any pictures of people. Hey, you gotta have your priorities.
I made four species of pie- Blackberry, Pumpkin, Crunchy Cream Cheese Pumpkin, and Maple Nutmeg Cream. I think the Blackberry was the most popular. Srsly, it was the best blackberry pie I've ever made. Not bad for my first blackberry pie making experience, eh?
Whipping cream, real maple syrup, nutmeg, egg yolks....okay, okay, I'll come over and make it for you. But you're buying the booze.
In addition, it was the first Thanksgiving that Mikenna and Ken tried combining the Johnsons AND the Summers/Skinners for a holiday get-together. Nobody even gave anyone else a black eye or anything. Except mom. She already had one. It was a wonderfully joyous occasion. The turkey was great, the atmosphere was festive. And I was drunk, trying to play Wii and yelling at the TV. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
The Broncos lost. The. Broncos. Lost. Lost. As in didn't win. And all we could do was watch in stunned horror.

Since we [gulp] lost, I've been walking around in a haze of terrible awful doom and sadfulness. I feel like a terrible kraken dragged me into a dark cave and did unspeakable things to my soul.
Even so, when we play again on Saturday, I hope that every last stinkin' fan will be out there cheering their heads off and not being dirty rotten fair-weather fans. And even though I want to wad Kyle Brotzman up into a ball and kick a winning 26 yard field goal with him, I hope no one boos him on Senior Day because that is super lameness. I bet his soul feels like a Kraken raped it in a dark cave, too. And since I know how that feels, I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Except that dirty cheater Cam Newton.
So now, instead of being filled with visions of jolly bowl game trips in warm-weather locales, the winter ahead looks like this:
Actually, it doesn't. It looks like this:
On an unrelated note, if you say "snow" over and over in your head, it starts to sound really weird. Isn't "snow" a weird word?
Yum, the pies and soup looked delicious. I like your picture of Codys with the red wall, very detailed.