My FAVORITE time of year! Halloween crept up on us this year. I think it's because our seasons have been so out-of-whack. It didn't feel like summer until about August 31. Then was warm and beautiful until about the second week of October and when some a-hole pulled a switch and BAM, it was cold and fall-ish. All of a sudden. One day it was 70 and the next it was 40. I barely got the decorations up in time. I thought I'd do a post about our Halloween adventures and post all of our fun pictures.
Well, first off, I'm pretty sure Cody's house is haunted. It's very creaky. Not creepy, creaky. Actually, given the astronomical number of horror movies I've been watching, it's been creepy lately too. Only I swear (despite what Cody says) that sometimes the upstairs floor creaks when no one is upstairs. And now I have proof. We took a picture of Trooper the other night and caught a ghost in the background. See? Irrefutable proof of paranormal activity in Cody's house!!
Here is this year's pumpkin. I admit it isn't up to my usual standards, but I was drinking beer and watching football and talking to Jacquelyn while I was carving. It reminds me a little of Jack Skellington, which I did NOT do on purpose. We also baked the pumpkin seeds. SO good! Cody didn't do one at all because everyone knows that men can only do one thing at a time and when football is on that's the one thing. Once during a game, I told Cody that was pregnant with Mick Jagger's mutant pterodactyl crack baby and he didn't answer until commercial, at which time he just said "Ok, wait, what now?"
Anyways, I really went yard on our costumes this year. I had so much fun with it! Cody wanted to be the A.W.E.S.O.M.-O. 4000 from South Park. I wanted to be Leela from Futurama. I spent about two weeks working on the costumes because I guess I'm just hard-core like that. Also, I'm butt-tons of awesome. I cut out tons of pieces of foil and little construction paper squares and pairs of tights and used about 50 sticks of hot glue. The A.W.E.S.O.M.-O. was pretty user friendly too. The head attached to the body with stick-on velcro so that it could be removed for easy beer drinking.
After some preliminary tests, the user requested that I modify the design by adding a hole in the mouth-area to accommodate a bendy straw so he can drink beer without taking the head off at all. Also, I told him it was okay to drink a lot of alcohol because robots need alcohol to fuel their cells. He just sort of looked at me funny and then I realized that those are Futurama robot rules, not South Park robot rules and A.W.E.S.O.M.-O. is not a real robot like Bender anyways. He's a stupid fat kid in a robot costume. Duh, Rae. Get it straight.
Saturday night, we went out to Old Chicago. Almost everyone who was supposed to come actually bailed. They probably got attacked by robot unicorns or captured by Jigsaw or came down with raging cases of lame-itis or something, so we totally understood. It's really too bad they were unavoidably detained because we had an absolute freaking blast without them. You should have seen Cody walking around in that stupid robot outfit. Me and Kenna almost peed. Cody didn't think that anyone would "get" his costume. I said that was nonsense. And then I explained that TV has been a cornerstone of life since the early 1300s and that now, millions of years after the invention of the first television set, people can still really connect with TV shows like South Park because we're all very stupid. Also, I explained, even if no one gets it, he's still a grown man in a cardboard robot suit and that's just fucking funny no matter how you slice it. He was wrong. Everyone got it. He was the hit of the night. He couldn't have been a bigger hit unless he was handing out free sacks of crack. My costume was great, too, BTW. Except people kept asking me where Fry was. Next year, I need a Fry.
I made my eye out of bubble goggles covered with white nylons. Are you impressed? Well you should be. Do you know how tricky that was? I should sell that thing on Etsy for like a thousand dollars. I think my favorite part, though, was the boots. I bought black rubber boots from the WalMart and spray painted them. They were actually the most comfortable pair of shoes I've ever had on and I want to wear them all day, every day, forever. Trust me, you do NOT want a roundhouse kick to the face while I am wearing those bad boys.
I very nearly had a costume crisis. I ran out of purple spray because I only bought one can. Cody sensed a meltdown. He began to frantically think up places we might procure some more Jerome Russell Panther Purple spray. One flying trip to Walgreens and three cans of spray later, I had very purple hair. And I was high as a kite. I trailed a purple haze of chemical stink all night long. The real problem, though, was when I tried to get the purple OUT. For one thing, the spray is not just color, but also actual hair spray, so my whole head was stiff. The hair tie was glued in place and had to be cut out with scissors. It did finally wash out, but the chemical smell stuck for at least a week.
On Sunday, we got dressed up again and went out to visit some family. We met my dad at Sockeye for a beer. At the end of the evening, we decided to go to the Tavern for sushi. And let me tell you, those Tavern people acted like it wasn't Halloween at all. Not a single costume in the joint. Not even a decoration. What a bunch of stiffs! The looks I was getting, you'd have thought I had one eye.
Anyways, here are a few more pictures. I hope you all had as fun a Halloween as I did. Now all we have to look forward to are Thanksgiving and Christmas. [sigh].........
I am confused. It looks to me like you bought yourself a pair of hog washing boots. You did that on purpose didn't you? Now you are ready to help your sisters when we come to show in Boise next spring. YEAH!!!!
ReplyDeleteIf I used them to wash hogs, the gummy, eternally wet paint would get poo stuck in it and would thus render them unusable for future Halloween engagements. But in the highly unlikely event that I need hog wash boots, I can just go over to the D&B supply. I was there the other day and found mud/muck/poo boots for $12.99. And a rabbit for $25.99. And a lot of beef jerky.